
2024年亞太生技展 7/26-7/29 BioAsia 2024

Here is Bio Asia 2024 Review: Trilipiderm from Jackson Hole, LeoVerified from Powell and Celldrop from Laramie join the Expo by technology and the products. There are so many potential customers visit Wyoming booth under US Pavilion. Sal (Hypo, Laramie) stops by the Wyoming booth since he is going to have a business discussion in Taipei.

There are so many business opportunities in Asia!!!


2024年亞太生技展的回顧:懷俄明州有Trilipiderm的保養品, LeoVerified及CellDrop的技術來參加,在美國館的懷俄明州攤位吸引了許多不同的訪客及潛在顧客,Sal (Hypo) 也來探班,因為他也從懷俄明州飛來台灣,在台北進行一項重要的商業會議,發展美國、臺灣市場!



美國懷俄明州亞太商務辦事處 11011 台北市信義區信義路五段5號(台北世貿)7樓7A 19室 電話 +886(2)2777-4093