
2024年食品台北博覽會 Food Taipei 2024

By the Food Taipei 2024, we not only displayed Wyoming products to increase awareness but also pushed sales by importers to generate revenue. After all, these are importers' objectives to participate in the opportunity we offered. Therefore, three importers ensured the customers to enjoy the craftsmanship and quality of Wyoming spirits. Each sip offered a taste of the region's dedication to excellence, leaving everyone impressed and eager for more. Except for the local visitors, we had international ones from the US, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan and showed the eager to buy these unique products. The expo, which drew attention not only from Taiwan but also from Hong Kong and Malaysia, showcased Wyoming's potential to develop a broader market across Asia, demonstrating the wide acceptance of their products by Asian customers


2024年食品台北博覽會從今天6月25日至6月29日開幕。 和去年一樣,懷俄明州展位於美國館的最佳角落。 我們從美國在台協會副局長傑瑞米·康福斯和美國農業服務處管理員丹尼爾·惠特利以及尊貴的客戶,一路都有許多訪客。 今年我們的攤位由年輕一代充電,以不同的力量,創造更多的知名度和商機。


美國懷俄明州亞太商務辦事處 11011 台北市信義區信義路五段5號(台北世貿)7樓7A 19室 電話 +886(2)2777-4093