

{ Digital Business Platform from TAITRA }

Here comes good news!🎊

In order to enforce the connections of international business between U.S and Taiwan, TAITRA is about to establish an official digital business platform!🤝

Our director, Chester, was invited to join its presentation on May 7th. 👏 In return, Dr. Chen and her team from TAITRA also visited Trade Office on May 11 to exchange more ideas about the insight of platform as well as content. 🔍

We are looking forward to its future performance to widen and deepen the business development between Wyoming and Taiwan!💪

好消息! 好消息! 🎊

外貿協會為加強台美企業家連結,即將成立官方企業家數位交流平台! 🤝

日前,朱處長代表美國懷俄明州參加此數位平台說明會! 👏 為了交流更多此平台的細節及內容,外貿協會陳博士及其團隊也特地來到辦事處拜訪討論。🔍

我們非常期待此交流平台未來協助懷俄明州及台灣之間發展更加廣泛及緊密的商業服務及交流! 💪🥳


美國懷俄明州亞太商務辦事處 11011 台北市信義區信義路五段5號(台北世貿)7樓7A 19室 電話 +886(2)2777-4093